Thursday, January 26, 2006

Authors Visit Louisburg Library!!

"A Day of Romance"
Spend the Day with 3 Romance Authors
Thursday, February 9
Noon Brown Bag Lunch with Jerri Corgiat
3:00 pm
Get Your Picture taken with Linda Madl
6:00 pm
Appetizers with Karen L. King

What Inspirational Book are You Reading?

I am reading This Time Around by Debra White Smith. My sister and mother have bought a couple of books over the past months and I am finally taking the time to read some of them.

This book seems to be about a woman and her son, who just got out of an abusive relationship. Now a former boyfriend, R.J, is her boss, and he wants to get back together. However, Sammie just wants to create a safe haven for herself and her son, Brett.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Coming to Louisburg Library!!!

Sci-Fi Nite:
Science Fiction Writers, Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore will answer questions and sign books

Thursday, January 26, 2006
6:30 pm
Louisburg Library

Stay to Watch an Episode of the Original Star Trek Series

All Ages Welcome

What Science Fiction/Fantasy are You Reading?

I happen to like science fiction and fantasy, although I probably read more fantasy. I also tend to read fantasy that is for children and teens instead of for adults. I'm not sure why.

For the next two weeks I am going to be reading Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. When I was working on the handout of Science Fiction & Fantasy books that I put together for the library display, I came across this book several times. I also saw Connie Willis giving a wonderful talk about her writing.

Doomsday Book won the Hugo & Nebula Award. It is a book that is going to take me to the future and to the past, specifically the Middle Ages during the plague. It looks like someone studying history leaves the 21st century to go back to the Middle Ages, and encounters danger.

Monday, January 09, 2006

What are You Reading??

Tell us what you are reading.