Authors Visit Louisburg Library!!
"A Day of Romance"
Spend the Day with 3 Romance Authors
Thursday, February 9
Noon Brown Bag Lunch with Jerri Corgiat
3:00 pm
Get Your Picture taken with Linda Madl
6:00 pm
Appetizers with Karen L. King
Want to find out what others are reading? Want to know what books might be good? Want to join a book club, but don't have time? Then join Louisburg Library District No. 1, in Kansas, as we create our own Book Blog.
I am reading This Time Around by Debra White Smith. My sister and mother have bought a couple of books over the past months and I am finally taking the time to read some of them.
I happen to like science fiction and fantasy, although I probably read more fantasy. I also tend to read fantasy that is for children and teens instead of for adults. I'm not sure why.