Thursday, January 26, 2006

What Inspirational Book are You Reading?

I am reading This Time Around by Debra White Smith. My sister and mother have bought a couple of books over the past months and I am finally taking the time to read some of them.

This book seems to be about a woman and her son, who just got out of an abusive relationship. Now a former boyfriend, R.J, is her boss, and he wants to get back together. However, Sammie just wants to create a safe haven for herself and her son, Brett.


At 7:02 AM, Blogger Holly said...

The book "This Time Around" was a little different than the book jacket made it sound, thankfully it was better.

Sammie and her 3 year old son Brett have started making a life for themselves, after the death of her abusive husband. She is having an especially hard time because her former minister was siding with her abusive husband.

R.J., Sammie's former fiance, is taking over his parents business, where Sammie works, to get closer to Sammie. R.J. left Sammie years ago when they were engaged with not explanation.

Sammie is not ready to trust anyone again, however, R.J. and her son are getting along so well. This makes Sammie start to open her heart a little. Plus, it seems that R.J. has changed. He now owns a ranch and helps troubled teens with his partner.

Then she sees what she thinks might be drugs in her new veterinarian's office. In the end everything works out, and Sammie comes to see that she has to rely on God.

This book was pretty good, but seems to be part of a series about 7 friends, and I think this book is the second to last in the series. It might be interesting to read them in order.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Holly said...

I have started another christian book that someone in my family bought. "The Chalice of Isreal" is comprised of 4 novellas.

The stories center around a special ceremonial cup. Supposedly this cup has changed the lives of Jews and Gentiles for 2 thousand years.

The first novella is set in Jerusalem, 60 AD. It seems to be following the lives of two jewish christian sisters. The youngest sister met and fell in love with a Roman soldier, who is not a Chrisitian. The older sister and the soldier's brother, who is also a solder, meet when they try to get the two love birds to stop meeting. Of course, the older sister and soldier also become attracted to each other. This is all set in a city that is full of conflicts; jews vs. christian jews, christian jews vs. christian gentiles, romans vs. everyone else. Let me just say that one couple loves each other and is heedless of everything else. The other couple is more concerned about everyday life, but distracted by the pull between them. I'm sure it will turn out ok, but I wonder how.

Just think I have three more stories that are hopefully just as interesting.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Holly said...

I have finished the first 2 stories in "The Chalice of Isreal." I think the first story was better than the second. I've started the third story, but haven't found it very interesting so far.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Holly said...

I finished "The Chalice of Isreal." Out of the four novellas in the book I enjoyed the first and last stories the most. If you come across this book, it might be a nice read, but don't run out to get it.

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Holly said...

I am now reading another book I got from my sister, "A Bride Most Begrudging" by Deeanne Gist.

This book is about a Virginia farmer, Drew O'Connor, who needs some to take care of his house and young sister. He is still broken-hearted about the loss of his beloved, but thinks the answer to his problems is a bride from England.

What Drew ends up with is a wife who claims to be Lady Constance Morrow, daughter of an Earl, who was brought to America against her will, and wants to go back. She has no clue how to cook, and argues with Drew.

This looks to be an interesting book. I hope it lives up to the promise in the first few pages.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger Holly said...

I have finished "A Bride Most Begrudging." This was a good inspirational book. It did not preach to the reader. God and religion was just part of life, but then this book was set in the mid-1600's in colonial America where religion was part of their lives. This book had a few twists and turns that kept it going, just when I thought it was going to be slowing down.


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